Sunday, March 6, 2011


What is eugenics?
Well in order to get this thing started, I guess I should find out what the term eugenics actually means because I honestly have NO clue!  Well let's get to it! Eugenics is a theory that means humans can influence our own evolution, through selective breeding or genetic enhancement.  People usually have a negative attitude towards eugenics because your basically picking what you want your child is going to look like, causing many people to disagree.  Eugenics in America developed in the beginning of economic and social problems for American industry.  Eugenicists discussed that society paid a costly amount by allowing the birth of disabled people who would need care from the state.  People saw eugenics as an attempt to solve all of the problems the U.S. was facing because it helped the cause in the defective germ plasm of society itself.  Eugenics offered a prospect of planned, slow, and smooth transition to a more harmonious future.  It gave life the biological counterpart to new theories in control and rational management in business.  It also provided an objective, scientific approach to problems that used to be called too difficult and it promised to attack social problems at their roots.  Eugenics said that disabled people should be prevented from mating, through custody in asylums and compulsory sterilization.  The papers on polygenic inheritance caused problems that effected the criticisms for the research of eugenics.  The data for the eye color paper came from school principals and other friends.  The uncertainty in the different descriptions of discrete eye coloration gathered by so many different collaborators caused struggles during data analysis.   Eugenics impacted America by coming up with marriage laws, sterilization laws and immigration restrictions!  Immigration restrictions were placed to prevent convicted criminals, the poor, and mentally sick from coming into the country.  Overall, Eugenics can be perceived in many different views, through all different eyes.  Some people may think it's bad, but some people think it's good for our country. So what do you think?

Here is the site where I got all the information from :)

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