Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Reflection on Stomach Acids

Lately in Biology we have been experimenting with stomach acids and what works to calm an upset stomach.  My group and I tested different types of antacids by placing two tablets into vinegar.  An antacid is any type of base or basic substance that neutralizes stomach acidity.  I learned that an acid is any substance that has a pH of six or lower.  Acids become less acidic when mixed in with a substance that is a base.  An acid increases the concentration of hydrogen ions, but bases lower the concentration of hydrogen ions, because they accept them.  A base is a substance which has a pH between eight and fourteen.  A base becomes less basic when mixed with acidic substances.  Pure water, on the other hand, is neutral because it maintains a pH of 7.  The pH is calculated in logarithmic units of ten in the acidity or baseness of a substance.  For example, orange juice is ten times more acidic than tomato juice, because orange juice has a pH of three while tomato juice has a pH of four.  
Antacids help calm the acids that are in your abdomen.  I found out that about the only difference in generic brands and name brands of antacids is the price.  So, next time you go to the store to buy antacids, don't fall for the expensive brand, because in all actuality they work the same. 

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